为了让学生在365bet中文获得联邦或州财政援助或退伍军人教育福利, 学生必须表现出令人满意的学术进步(SAP). SAP包括两个标准:定性和定量. 学生必须在每个春季学期结束时满足这两个标准,才能继续获得联邦或州财政援助或退伍军人教育福利.




所有本科生都应该根据他们所尝试的学期数保持最低累积GPA, 包括在365bet中文学习的课程和从其他机构转来的课程. 如果学生重修一门课程,只有最新的课程成绩才会被包括在GPA计算中. Any student who does not meet the minimum cumulative GPA requirement at the end of the Spring Semester will be placed on financial aid suspension and will no longer be eligible for Federal or State financial aid or Veterans Education Benefits.











Students who are enrolled in a program of study which requires that they maintain a GPA higher than the standard GPA required for SAP must be meeting the higher GPA standard when evaluated for SAP at the end of each Spring Semester.  Students not meeting the higher GPA required by their academic department are not considered meeting the Qualitative SAP Standard to maintain eligibility for financial aid and are no longer eligible for financial aid or VA benefits.

根据学术目录, 以下课程要求学生保持指定的GPA:






















完成本科课程学习的最长时间是该课程所需最短学期学时的150%. 学生在完成获得学位所需的150%学分之前,仍然有资格获得学位. 为了达到这个定量标准, 学生必须成功完成并通过67%的课程. 在春季学期结束时, any student who has attempted 150% or more of the semester hours required for their program of study will be placed on financial aid suspension and will no longer be eligible for Federal or State financial aid assistance or Veterans Education Benefits. 例如, if you are pursuing a degree which requires 120 hours and you have attempted 180 hours or more without earning your degree at the end of the Spring Semester, 你将不再有资格获得联邦或州财政援助或退伍军人教育福利.

All undergraduate students must successfully complete 67% of their cumulative attempted hours 包括在365bet中文学习的所有课程以及从其他机构转来的课程. A、B、C、D或S的成绩算作成功完成一门课程. F的成绩, W, WP, WF, WY, WH, I, IP, U, NR, NC, 或V不算作成功完成一门课程. Students who have not successfully completed 67% of their cumulative attempted hours at the end of the Spring Semester will be placed on financial aid suspension and will no longer be eligible for Federal or State financial aid or Veterans Education Benefits.

所有尝试的小时数将包括在定量计算中. 这包括之前学校课程的尝试时数, courses which are not included in the student’s GPA calculation due to withdrawal or repeated coursework or courses taken during terms for which the student did not receive any financial aid. 攻读双专业或双学位的学生将获得完成双专业和双学位所需总学时的150%.

学生可以获得不超过30小时的补习课程(包括学习支持课程)的经济资助, and CPC courses); 然而, 被要求参加补习课程的学生将有资格根据补习的学时数延长其最长时间, 最多30个小时.



所有的研究生都应该保持至少3分.0累积绩点, 包括在365bet中文学习的所有课程以及从其他机构转来的课程. 任何未达到最低3分的学生.0 GPA requirement at the end of the Spring Semester will be placed on financial aid suspension and will no longer be eligible for Federal or State financial aid or Veterans Education Benefits.


完成研究生课程学习的最长时间是该课程所需最短学时的150%. 学生在完成获得学位所需的150%学分之前,仍然有资格获得学位. 为了达到这个定量标准, 学生必须成功完成并通过67%的课程. 在春季学期结束时, any student who has attempted 150% or more of the semester hours required for their program of study will be placed on financial aid suspension and will no longer be eligible for Federal or State financial aid or Veterans Education Benefits. 例如, if you are pursuing a graduate degree which requires 36 hours and you have attempted 54 hours or more without earning your degree at the end of the Spring Semester, 你将不再有资格获得联邦或州财政援助或退伍军人教育福利.

All graduate students must successfully complete 67% of their cumulative attempted hours 包括在365bet中文学习的所有课程以及从其他机构转来的课程. A、B、C、D或S的成绩算作成功完成一门课程. F的成绩, W, WP, WF, WY, WH, I, IP, U, NR, NC, 或V不算作成功完成一门课程. Those students who have not successfully completed 67% of their cumulative attempted hours at the end of the Spring Semester will be placed on financial aid suspension and will no longer be eligible for Federal or State financial aid or Veterans Education Benefits.

所有尝试的小时数将包括在所有的定量计算中, 包括以前学校的学生, hours which are not included in the student’s GPA calculation due to withdrawal or repeated coursework and courses taken during terms for which the student did not receive any financial aid. 攻读双专业或双学位的学生将获得完成双专业和双学位所需总学时的150%.


未能达到满意学业进展(SAP)的学生可以根据情有可依的情况对其状态提出上诉. 例子可能包括, 但不限于, 学生的疾病, 直系亲属患病或死亡, 其他家庭情况或其他情有可原的情况.

注意: 如果学生也被休学,他们还需要填写一份单独的 停职上诉表格.

学生应该完成一份 学业进步申诉表格 可以在财政援助办公室的网页上找到吗. 另外, there must be a written Appeal Statement from the student which explains the extenuating circumstances and a written Action Plan which explains the corrective measures which have been or will be taken to ensure the student will come into compliance with all SAP policies. 核实学生申诉中所述的情有可原的情况的文件必须与申诉一起提交. 只有包含所需报表和文件的SAP申诉才会被处理和评估. 不完整的上诉将被拒绝.

如果学生的SAP上诉被批准, 他们可以在一个学期内达到要求, 学生将获得一个学期的SAP试用期,并有资格获得一个学期的经济援助. If the student cannot come into compliance in one semester they will be placed on an Academic Plan which will ensure that they come into compliance with all SAP policies within a specified period of time or prior to graduation.

所有尝试的课程时数必须包含在此计算中, 包括那些不包括在学生GPA中的重复课程和学生没有获得任何经济资助的学期. 攻读双专业或双学位的学生将获得完成双专业和双学位所需总学时的150%.

  • 在下列情况下,你不得上诉:
  • 经济原因或不知道你的援助处于危险之中
  • 没有为上大学做好准备或不够成熟
  • 不公平的或不正确的课程分数
  • 教授或课程内容的问题
  • 生活环境不利于学业成功
  • 儿童保育或日托问题
  • 与工作相关的问题

最初上诉被拒绝的学生可以向学院参议院的学生经济援助小组委员会提出上诉. 第二次上诉应提交给学生经济援助小组委员会主席,并提交给经济援助办公室. 第二次上诉必须满足与初次上诉相同的所有要求. 学生资助小组委员会的决定是最终决定,不能再上诉.

上诉但被拒绝的学生自费就读365bet中文, 包括使用私人教育贷款来支付学杂费, 或从其他机构接受学分并遵守所有SAP政策的学生将恢复其资格.

上诉但被拒绝的学生自费就读365bet中文, 包括使用私人教育贷款来支付学杂费, or who have credits accepted from another institution and are still not in compliance with all SAP policies and who have extenuating circumstances may submit an additional initial appeal.


注意: 如果学生也被休学,他们还需要填写一份单独的 停职上诉表格.


  1. A student terminated from aid for failure to maintain the required Cumulative GPA or complete 67% of attempted courses may apply for reinstatement once they have earned the required Cumulative GPA and are in compliance with the 67% pace of completion.
  2. A student terminated from aid for failure to exit Learning Support may apply for reinstatement of aid when he/she has exited Learning Support may apply for reinstatement of aid when he/she has exited Learning Support.


bet365亚洲官网必须将所有课程的尝试时数包括在SAP定量评估中,无论是否有学术更新, 然而, 当学生被弗吉尼亚州立大学授予学业续期时, 经批准从GPA计算中省略的课程的成绩将不包括在SAP的定性GPA计算中.


夏季学期的课程与其他学期一样,在最长时间内计算, GPA计算和67%的完成率要求.


 直到从其他机构转学分被接受, 学生将被视为新生,以获得首次资助. 所有的成绩, 包括先前学校接受的转学课程, 将用于确定定性的SAP平均成绩和所有学术历史课程, 包括以前学校的转学分, 在评估财务援助资格时,会将尝试时数和工作时数包括在SAP的定量计算中吗.


学生在重修课程时要小心,因为所有的尝试都会被计算在获得学位的最大学时内. Students are also reminded that withdrawing from a course does not count as successful completion and does not count toward the required 67% completion rate.  不完成也不算作成功完成课程,过多的不完成可能导致财政援助的终止. 学生可以获得不超过30小时的补习课程(包括学习支持课程)的经济资助 and CPC courses); 然而, 被要求参加补习课程的学生将有资格根据补习的学时数延长其最长时间, 最多30个小时.

联邦财政援助条例允许学生重修以前通过的课程一次. 为此目的, 及格是指高于“F”的分数,不管任何学校或项目政策要求更高的分数来满足学术项目的要求. This retaken class may be counted towards a student’s enrollment status and the student may be awarded Title IV aid for the enrollment status based on inclusion of the class.  在允许学生在任何一门课上得到“F”之后,“我们不允许将这门课程计入学生的注册状态,也不允许为这门课程的注册提供联邦经济援助.  如果学生从他们正在重修的课程中退课, 这门课程的尝试不被计算为一次重修,他们可以再重修一次.