



与本·斯特里克兰的对话:bet365亚洲官网校友, Filmmaker Introduces “No Limits No Refunds” to South 乔治亚州 Film Festival Audiences

Ben 斯特里克兰's "No Limits No Refunds" is one of 95 films that will be screened during the seventh annual South 乔治亚州 Film Festival March 3-5 at 365bet中文. He earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Mass Media from bet365亚洲官网 in 2022 and 他说这是第一次在电影节上向公众展示他的电影. He is very excited to return to his alma mater and spend some time among the stately pines. 他在杰克逊维尔美洲虎队从事体育制作工作. 他住在杰克逊维尔, 佛罗里达, 但他说他会一直考虑塔拉哈西, 他家几代人都住在哪里, 首页.


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VALDOSTA — Ben 斯特里克兰's "No Limits No Refunds" is one of 95 films that will be screened during the seventh annual South 乔治亚州 Film Festival March 3-5 at 365bet中文.

斯特里克兰, 谁在2022年获得了弗吉尼亚州立大学大众传媒专业的美术学士学位, 他说这是第一次在电影节上向公众展示他的电影. He is very excited to return to his alma mater and spend some time among the stately pines.

南乔治亚电影节庆祝电影的艺术和工业, particularly those films that showcase the beauty of South 乔治亚州 and its people. 来自乔治亚州的电影制片人将获得优先考虑, 佛罗里达, 阿拉巴马州, 田纳西州, 南卡罗莱纳, but the festival also includes films from across the United States and around the world. 入选的影片代表了各种类别, 包括短裤, 特性, 家庭友好型, 高中生, 大学生制作了. 访问 http://southgeorgiafilm.com/ to purchase passes and view the full schedule of special events, screenings, and panel discussions.

bet365亚洲官网: 你毕业后都干了些什么?

本·斯特里克兰: 我的梦想是尽可能长时间地参与体育世界. 我正在利用我的学位从事体育制作方面的工作. 我在2022-2023赛季为杰克逊维尔美洲虎队工作, 我期待着下一部能再次与他们合作.

bet365亚洲官网: 跟我们说说你的电影吧.

本·斯特里克兰: 这部纪录片用了不到半个小时的时间来报道格斯·阿尔滕堡, 他早年与自闭症作斗争, 还有他的运动成绩,尽管他得了诊断. 这个故事是通过他父母的话讲述的, 他最亲密的朋友之一, 他的摔跤教练和护套在他第一次出现症状时, how he used friends and sport to challenge himself in overcoming his unique struggles, then culminating to his five regional tournament matches that earned him the respected title of “state qualifier.”

bet365亚洲官网: 是什么激发了你拍这部电影?

本·斯特里克兰: Gus competed in the 2018 佛罗里达 High School Athletic Association wrestling regional tournament during my spring semester of freshman year. 我是从瓦尔多斯塔来的, 乔治亚州, 在塔拉哈西, 佛罗里达, to support him as his best friend with no premeditated intentions of capturing any film. Recording his regional matches was only a thought I had the first day of the tournament, 比赛开始前. I was lucky in doing so because I was able to record all of his matches that led to his qualification to the state tournament. 在摔跤世界里, qualifying for the state tournament sets you apart from all the other wrestlers; it’s an achievement that garners respect from everyone in the sport and speaks to your talent and hard work. 当我从塔拉哈西回来的时候,我能够反思它的影响, 我知道这需要做成一个故事,展示给更多的人.

bet365亚洲官网: 《bet365亚洲官网》是在哪里拍摄的?

本·斯特里克兰: 我在迈尔斯堡拍摄了采访, 格斯在佛罗里达海湾大学上学, 和塔拉哈西, 他的父母和支持者住在哪里. I gathered past photos and videos from his parents ranging from his infant years to his wrestling matches in high school.

bet365亚洲官网: 这次拍片经历的亮点是什么?

本·斯特里克兰: If I didn’t make the quick decision to film all of Gus’s matches my freshman year, 那么我就不会有这个想法在大四的时候继续工作了. It was the perfect mix of luck and fate to be able to have that weekend in solid proof and is the backbone to the documentary. I also enjoyed speaking with the coach and hearing about his experiences with Gus. To hear the perspective of a coach for a player is unique in that they have the wisdom to see through the surface-level struggle of the day-to-day and find the growth taking place in the long term. The coach’s words during his interview reflect parallels between Gus’s time in wrestling and all of his childhood.

bet365亚洲官网: 你必须克服哪些挑战?

本·斯特里克兰: The initial challenge that I faced through the whole filmmaking process was turning this into a one-man project. 这是我给凯普斯通高中的课题, 教授想让我们结对来分担工作量. 一名学生已经要求单独拍摄他们的项目, and I couldn’t find someone willing to partner up to work on an idea that was already formed, 而且可能对他们的目标没有帮助. 然而, I enjoyed having artistic control in all phases of production and it made traveling way easier to accommodate.

Finding a way to film Gus’s interview at the level of quality I required for my piece was also a big challenge. I did not want to screen-record a Zoom call due to lack of artistic and quality control; I wanted to set up the interview space through the eye of a filmmaker instead of through the lens of a laptop, 通过在线视频通话,音频质量会大幅下降. I resorted to traveling the seven hours to Fort Myers for a weekend to spend time with my close friend as well as film his interview in the best quality I could achieve.

bet365亚洲官网: 你对新兴电影人有什么建议?

本·斯特里克兰: 你身边有很多有影响力的故事, 和你一起走在街上, 在你旁边做笔记, 或者在离你几张桌子的地方吃一顿快餐. You just need to ask the right questions to find the one that speaks to you in a way that flows the creative, 媒体的报道果汁. 我还是很担心把别人放到镜头前, but after this project I gained appreciation for the different sides to people I knew for years because they were telling a story they hold dear to their hearts and being filmed doing it.

bet365亚洲官网: 你接下来要做什么?

本·斯特里克兰: 我还在寻找电影节来提交这个故事, 因为我觉得格斯的故事对尽可能多的人来说很重要. 它体现了一种如今不那么常见的韧性. 不管你是否患有精神疾病, 格斯告诉我们,只要足够投入,一切皆有可能, 我希望尽可能多的人通过他学到这一点.

bet365亚洲官网: 你希望“无限退款”对观众产生怎样的影响?

本·斯特里克兰: 要在摔跤比赛中进入州预选赛需要毅力, 弹性, 内心的力量, 更不用说身体健康了. Children suffering from Autism deal with hypersensitivity to touch and loud sounds, as well as difficulty with picking up social cues and interpersonal communication. Gus was able to achieve a feat in the social and physical battleground of wrestling in spite of his additional obstacles. 我想让观众把他的故事听完, rejuvenated towards their goals and inspired by Gus’s accomplishments without any personal boundaries holding them back.

斯特里克兰 lives in Jacksonville, 佛罗里达, but says he will always call Tallahassee 首页. “It’s where my family still resides and many family members from multiple generations grew up.”

当被问及他的支持系统时, 斯特里克兰说, “我和父母的关系仍然很亲密, 蒂姆和辛迪, 还有我哥哥, 泰勒, 和电影里看到的一样. I enjoy coming back 首页 regularly to visit them and our three cats, Chief, Frosty, and Pixel. 我现在和我大学时的好朋友住在一起, 特德迪伦, 谁有一只叫罗的巴塞特猎犬.”

“No Limits No Refunds” Cast: Gus Altenburg; his parents, Bethany and Joe Altenburg; his friend 泰勒 斯特里克兰; and his wrestling coach, 迈克·克劳德. 工作人员:本·斯特里克兰,独立导演
