May 21, 2018


Chelsea Holcombe

瓦尔多斯塔- Chelsea Holcombe是365bet中文2018年春季学期的员工.

Holcombe, who has worked at VSU since 2009, is the coordinator of fitness, wellness, and marketing for Campus Recreation. She oversees all of Campus Recreation’s fitness and wellness programs; trains and manages all personal trainers and group fitness instructors; coordinates special events, such as De-Stress Fest and Gloga (glow-in-the-dark yoga); and oversees promotions for all Campus Recreation events and activities. 她也是运动机能学和体育教育系的兼职教授,教授中级游泳课程.

霍尔库姆说:“我很惊讶,也很荣幸能获得这个奖项. “我很感激有一个导师, Shawn Phippen, 谁会花时间去认可员工的辛勤工作和成就. 我很荣幸能被提名,尤其是和这么多了不起的工作人员一起.”

Phippen, director of Campus Recreation, nominated Holcombe for introducing several highly successful group fitness programs; attracting more people to Campus Recreation events through her promotions; launching an online Fitness and Wellness Portal that offers helpful information and instructional exercise videos to the campus community; and demonstrating overall excellence in her duties.

“切尔西在校园娱乐中扮演着领导角色,并被证明是吸引学生的关键力量,” he said. “她对帮助所有学生和服务弗吉尼亚州立大学的热情是显而易见的. 她最大的优点也许是她对学生成功的热爱.”


“一年中我最喜欢的时间是减压节, 这是一个我与咨询中心和校园健康中心一起帮助协调的活动,让学生们在期末考试前放松一下,享受一下乐趣,” she said. “当我与这些学生互动时,我感到非常高兴,他们说,‘这对我帮助很大.“能够产生一点影响是很棒的. 我喜欢帮助学生参与我们的团体健身课程, 尤其是那些一开始害怕来的人,但最后真的很享受. 我喜欢看到一个从来没有在游泳池里游泳的学生在我的课上学会如何游泳. 看着学生的成长和发展是非常值得的.”

Holcombe is a two-time graduate of VSU; she earned a Bachelor of Science in psychology in 2011 and a Master of Science in clinical-counseling psychology in 2013. 她还持有团体健身和强奸,侵略和防御(R.A.D).

她于2009年开始在弗吉尼亚州立大学工作,担任活动服务部的学生助理. 她在那个办公室待了五年, 成为研究生助理,然后是活动预订协调员. 2014年,她成为健康促进办公室的健康教育工作者. 她于2016年担任Campus Recreation的现任职务.

霍尔库姆是弗吉尼亚州立大学关系和性暴力预防工作组的主席,也是校园健康委员会的财务主管. 她是药物滥用工作小组和学生事务营销委员会的成员. 她还担任大一学生运动员的导师.

She enjoys long-distance running, working out, practicing yoga, diving, reading, being outdoors, and spending time with her husband, Johnny, and her three dogs, Oakie, Oreo and Major. 

Sgt. Jesus Arreola, 公共安全部的一名警官, and Selenseia Holmes, 社会公平办公室多元文化事务协调员, 是VSU 2018年春季学期最佳员工的亚军吗. The other nominees were Sarah Bring from Information Technology; Andrea Butler from Student Affairs; Wesley Cameron and Alan Sanderson from Physical Plant and Facilities Planning; Tricia Hale from the Counseling Center; Ryan Hogan from the Office of Admissions; Mary Marshall from the Department of Mathematics; Hazel McCoggle from Campus Recreation; Rebecca Murphy from Employee and Organizational Development; Beverly Phelps from the Office of Alcohol and Other Drug Education; Brian Roberts from the Office of Student Life; Jennifer Shinpaugh and Lenora Willis from Housing and Residence Life; and Jenny White from Budget Services.

VSU的员工事务委员会在每年秋季和春季学期结束时颁发学期最佳员工奖. 所有全职保密员工均有资格获得该奖项.

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