

两个展览, Two Opportunities to Support 奖学金 for VSU Art Students

上图:Craig Hawkins为DrawProject 2015拍摄的图片


瓦尔多斯塔- 5点之间.m. 晚上7:30.m. 一月星期一. 12, the Annette Howell Turner Center for the Arts will celebrate the opening of two exhibitions designed to benefit 365bet中文 Department of Art students. 我们鼓励公众前来参观, 欣赏在各个画廊展出的作品, 并竞标他们最喜欢的.


在2014年, the Annette Howell Turner Center for the Arts staff and the Department of Art faculty at VSU invited community, regional, and national artists to interpret the concept of “drawing” using any medium, subject, style, and technical approach and create an original artwork to be exhibited and donated for auction. An estimated 50 submissions were selected and framed for this year’s DrawProject, 经典艺术赞助 & Frame Co.、卫报银行和布什财富管理公司.

The annual drawing invitational exhibition benefits two scholarships.

The Annette Howell Turner Center for the Arts Scholarship is awarded annually to support a VSU junior art, design, or art education major for meritorious production in the classroom and a commitment to service within the community.

丹尼尔·B. Harmon Student Merit Scholarship recognizes departmental majors for superior classroom performance. Before her death in 2010, she was an associate professor in the VSU Department of Art.

“The DrawProject charity exhibition event is rooted in the support of the many community sponsors, donors, patrons, 艺术家们, 年复一年, 慷慨地奉献他们的时间, talent, 财政资源,Michael T说。. 施密特,弗吉尼亚州立大学艺术系主任. “Because of the strong community support for the DrawProject, 我们继续对我们的学生产生持久的影响, which is apparent each time a scholarship is awarded to a bright, 勤劳的, 以及VSU学生艺术家.”

Attendees will have the opportunity to bid on their favorite pieces during the silent auction portion of the evening. 所有的作品将以40美元的最低出价开始. 那些出价达到或超过80美元的股票将在7点收盘.m. Those that receive a bid of $150 or more will be offered during a live auction near the conclusion of the reception. 

Works that do not reach $80 in bids during the reception will remain open to bidding until they either reach the $80 mark or the show closes on Wednesday, Feb. 25.

DrawProject是Jamie Harmon的创意, former curator of the Annette Howell Turner Center for the Arts. 

Contact Bill Shenton at the Annette Howell Turner Center for the Arts at (229) 247-2787 or bshenton@turnercenter.org 或者Michael T. 电话:(229)333-5835或 mschmidt@ant-cctv.com 了解更多信息.







6月14日, 2013, 多米尼克·盖斯林从法戈出发, ready to begin his 240-mile journey down the Suwannee River to the Gulf of Mexico. His goal was to photograph the river’s 96 or so springs in black and white and color, 水面上和水面下, 同时使用胶片和数码技术.

Gheesling completed his expedition in 29 days, and through Wednesday, Feb. 25, he will share a selection of 20 images captured during his solitary adventure along the wild black-water river in his one-man exhibition, 向下XL.”

“Photographing the length of this historic and iconic southern river connected me to life and to the earth in a manner that I had been missing for some time,他分享道. “The photographs are meant to serve as documents of the actual conditions of the Suwannee during the summer of 2013. 超出这个目的, I hope that they allow the viewer to have some sense of what it is like to exist in the spaces in which they were made or to remember/understand why it is important for humans to spend time in these spaces. I am more convinced that ever that there is an intrinsic need in humans to spend time much closer to our natural state on this planet.”

Attendees will have an opportunity to bid on 37-inch by 47-inch prints of Gheesling’s images throughout the evening. Bidding will start at $100, and 50 percent of the final sales will benefit art student scholarships. 

“It is important to fund student scholarships because the creative process costs money, and I find it particularly important that my students’ creativity is not hindered by budgetary concerns,这位弗吉尼亚州立大学的艺术助理教授说. “必须有人提供支持, 在这个例子中是金融, for our students to reach beyond their own fixed paradigms and limitations through diligent effort, 不畏缩的探索, 努力工作.”

Gheesling joined the VSU Department of Art faculty in 2010 and primarily teaches photography courses. He holds an associate degree from Tallahassee 社区 College, where he previously served as an adjunct professor from 2007 to 2009. 他还拥有学士学位和美术硕士学位, 在工作室艺术中, 佛罗里达州立大学.

联系多米尼克·格斯林,电话:(229)259-2074或 jdgheesling@ant-cctv.com 了解更多信息.





Dominick Gheesling was featured in the September 2013 issue of Valdosta Scene magazine. Visit http://issuu.com/valdostascene/docs/valdosta-scene-september/31?e=8568384%2F4641341 看那四页的版面.

NOTE: The Annette Howell Turner Center for the Arts is located at 527 N. 帕特森圣.

365bet中文’s 2013-2019 战略计划 represents a renewal of energy and commitment to the foundational principles for comprehensive institutions.

实施计划的五大目标, 以及相应的目标和策略, supports VSU’s institutional mission and the University System of Georgia’s mission for comprehensive universities. 

DrawProject 2015 and Dominick Gheesling's "Way Down XL" help the university meet the following goals: 

目标1:招聘, retain, 毕业是一种品质, diverse student population and prepare students for roles as leaders in a global society.


Goal 3: Promote student, employee, alumni, retiree, and community engagement in our mission.


Visit http://ssxy.ant-cctv.com/administration/planning/strategic-plan.php 了解更多.


