Value of University System of Georgia 教育


Charles Harmon Director of University Relations

Value of University System of Georgia 教育

的 economic value of a degree from Valdosta State University continues to rise and Lowndes County is one of several Georgia counties gaining the most educational value through the employment of 研究生s of the University System, a new 报告 on higher education in Georgia shows. 的 报告 on recent 研究生s of the University System of Georgia (USG) states that a college degree is worth an average of $14,000 a year more than a high-school 研究生 我能期望. Over the course of a working career, the average 研究生 of a public college or 大学 in Georgia can expect to earn nearly $1 million more than a high-school-educated 邻居. 的 educational value to Lowndes County through the employment of 研究生s of the University System of Georgia is $11.400万年.

Commissioned by the USG's Intellectual Capital Partnership Program (ICAPP) ?Value of University System of Georgia 教育? study was conducted by researchers at the Georgia Institute of 技术. 的 authors analyzed the earnings of nearly 90,000 University System students who 研究生d between 1993 and 1997 and found that, overall, the increased earnings resulting from their college degrees added $1.25 billion to the state's economy during 1998?the most recent year for which data was available.

的 报告 shows that a person without a college degree will make an average of $12,502 less than a recent Valdosta State University 研究生. Additionally, the 报告 indicates that Valdosta State University 研究生s made an average of $30,934 in 1998. ?的 economic value of college 研究生s is so massive, so widespread and so long-lasting that we tend to take it for granted,? 比尔说 Drummond, a professor in Georgia Tech's City and Regional Planning Program, who collaborated with Jan Youtie, a researcher in Georgia Tech's Economic Development Institute (EDI), in preparing the 报告.
?As our funding partners struggle with grave budget issues, I would encourage them not to harm this generator of economic growth,? 说 University System Chancellor Thomas C. 梅雷迪思. ?格鲁吉亚目前为止 has resisted the trend we see in many states to reduce substantially the state's investment in higher 教育,? he 指出.

In addition to measuring the value of a college education the 报告 looked at the educational specialties that offer the greatest financial rewards, the demand for specific college disciplines, occupations in which shortages are anticipated and migration patterns related to occupational needs. 毫不奇怪, the programs with the greatest earnings potential are professional degrees in dentistry, medicine and law. ?It is interesting to note the 报告 shows that business administration, nursing and teaching are the programs with the greatest total economic impact, and these are areas where we already have major impact,? 弗吉尼亚州立大学校长说 Dr. 罗纳德·米. Zaccari. He added that the 报告 also found significant shortages of labor among elementary and kindergarten teachers, registered nurses, pharmacists, and in various technical medical and clinical laboratory fields.

?Our whole approach to 战略计划ning is to position Valdosta State University to be a key partner in providing our students and the citizens of our region with the best options in higher 教育,? 说Zaccari. ?We are delighted that this 报告 shows that bet365亚洲官网 is fulfilling its mission as a productive regional 大学.?

(EDITORS: Full copies of ?的 Value of University System of Georgia 教育? may be downloaded fro m the ICAPP website at: News releases detailing the economic impact of specific USG institutions also may be found at this address.)
